Jesus calls you to abandon sin and follow him. It is our desire through the teaching of his word and the love of his people you will come to know the gift of his salvation (the forgiveness of your sins)
and enter into a relationship with God.
He called you
Jesus calls you to abandon sin and follow him. It is our desire through the teaching of his word and the love of his people you will come to know the gift of his salvation (the forgiveness of your sins)
and enter into a relationship with God.
To be with you
To grow as a disciple Jesus desires you to spend time with him and his followers.
We are committed to helping you use your gifts to serve Christ in the body, and to reach those he has sent to you.
s.o.a.p daily bible study plan
S-Scripture: Take the day's bible reading, pray over it and read it slowly. Ask God to speak to you through His word then; write out the verse or verses he draws your attention to. Come expecting and listening for God to speak.
O-observation: This step encourages you to interact with the passage you have just read. Write down any key observations. Are there any truths to learn? Things you noticed that you haven't before? Warnings God has for you, life lessons? Commands to obey. As you read remember to think about the context: who wrote it, to who, when and why?
A- Application: This is where you make God's word personal to you LOGE. I encourage you to make it as PRACTICAL as possible too! Ask God to show you a truth you need to put into practice in your life. What do you need to do to bring your life in line with truths you have read? Be specific and plan how you will put this into action.
P- Prayer: Becoming a doer of the word is not SOMETHING we can do by OURSELVES. It can only come about by our cooperation with the Holy Spirit. Ask him to work in your life IN THE area he has just spoken to you about. Remember- he wants yo help you and loves to hear your voice.
This year the S.O.A.P scriptures will go through the NEw Testament in 260 days on a five-day schedule.
Mark 1
mark 2
Mark 3
Mark 4
Mark 5